Sunday, October 27, 2013

A short but powerful dua

ياذا العرش المجيد
 يا مبدئ
 يا معيد
يا فعالا لما يريد
 أسألك بنور وجهك الذي ملأ أركان عرشك
 يا مغيث أغثني
 يا مغيث أغثني
 يا مغيث أغثني

Beautiful Tasbihaat

سبحان الله عدد ما كان وعدد ما يكون و عدد الحركات والسكون

سبحان الله عدد خلقه

سبحان الله وبحمده .. سبحان الله العظيم

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dua(s) of the day

اللهم أغنني بفضلك عمن سواك
Allahuma Aghnini bi-fadhlika a'mman siwaka

اللهم إني أستغفرك من كل ذنب أذنبته
Allahuma inni Astaghfiruka min kulli zam'bin az-nab-tu-hu

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dua e Chehl kaleed (supplication of 40 keys)

The text in bold (arabic) is Dua e Chehl kaleed (The supplication of 40 keys).Those complaining bad luck (bad karma),may take a bath on any Friday,recite Darood (blessings on Prophet Muhammad Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam and His progeny) 3 times and then recite this Dua (supplication).After reciting the dua,one should recite Darood another 3 times and blow once on a glass of pure drinking water.One should then pray to Allah to resolve his pending issues i.e job,marriage,infertility etc etc and then drink that water.
Although this Supplication works for the very first time,one should keep doing the above mentioned action for at least 3 or & fridays continuously.
Here is the supplication :
This Supplication was originally published by Imamia Jantri,some 3 years ago.I have edited the snapshots to fit in one pic,if you want to copy it,plz mention the original source i.e Imamia Jantri and my blog as well.
Thank you.