Friday, December 9, 2011

Prayer for Allah's blessings


In the Name of Allah the All Merciful the All Compassionate

Praise is for Allah who is the foremost to the Praised and the one who deserved to be obeyed till the end.
Who is nearer than all those who are present, whose limit is known to no one as you are eternal. Whose beginning has no limit, who was before everyone without a being needy, who is every where but is not to be seen, who is near to the secret gathering without being near. Being hidden is like apparency for Him.
And Heart is lost in His greatness. Neither eyes can know His Heights nor the heart due to His imperceptibility deny His recognition. He is visible in the hearts but neither imagination nor feelings can ever imagine of fantasize Him.
Then He guarded His entity above any signs, vision and example and made His Uniqueness as a miracle of Lord.
And made the coming generation as proof of His Creation and Power, then He created (Human) from a drop, although there was nothing before it.
This is a proof that after destruction He will again create as He had created first.
Praise is for Allah Lord of the Worlds who does not loose due to our disobedience and the worshippers do not benefit Him by their obedience. For rebellions He is forbearing and He overlooks the one who ascribes a partner to Him.
He is forever powerful without any limit. He will in His kingdom remain till the annihilation of His Creatures. He is Unique without a similarity and is independent.
He has no equal and He is pure of any children He made the skins without any support or pillars, moved the clouds without any binding. He is a caretaker of infinite creations.
He is Allah the Unique Who is neither begets nor is He begotten and there is none like unto Him.
And the limit of Allah encompasses even those who disobey Him and whose smallest obligation can never be compensated by the biggest of the Worshippers.
He is so needless that He is not stingy to sustain even those who denies His existence and sustaining the entire Universe does not decrease His bounties.
Creator of the universe and the One to destroy it and the one to resurrect it again, manifest it and to recompense for their deeds. He is aware of every thing concealed in the Hearts and whatever is conveyed through tongues.
He is aware of all the things which is destroyed by the earth.
He is alive and has no death, such a creator who does not sleep and will continue to exist without being extinct.
He is Just who does not oppress. He forgives the Great sins by His Grace.
If He Chastise then it is with Justice. Neither He destroys a thing fearing its discontinuance nor does He favours a thing due to its need. He has mentioned in His everlasting and firm look
"And were Allah to punish men for what they earn, He would not leave on the back of it any creature, but He respites them till an appointed term; so when their doom shall come, then surely Allah is Seeing with respect to His servants." (Al-Fatir : 45)
I wish to Praise Him in such a way that it becomes a request to Him for increase the bounties. And I seek refuge from His wrath. And I verify His messenger Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w.a.) so that I achieve nearness to him.
That messenger whom He choose for revelation and for His Prophethood that Prophet who is endowed with intercession and is responsible for his rights whose name is Mohammad peace be on him, on his progeny and on his companions and on all the Prophets and the Messengers and all the Angles. May Allah protect them completely.
O Allah! Hopes are destroyed, times have changed - the tongues have lied and promises are wrong only your promise is a promise and You have said that You will forgive and Grace us.
O Allah! Send Blessings on Mohammad and his progeny, give me from Your Grace, grant me refuge from the accursed Satan. You are pure, We praise You.
How Great, exalted and Honoured are You. Your forbearance also covers the arrogants. Your bounties have flooded the thanks of the thanks giver.
Your forbearance is more than what the evaluations evalue.
Your obligations is above all those who praise You.
Had Your grace not been there why then would Your mercy be on the people? Those whom You created with a drop when they were nothing, then You sustained them by Your pure sustenance and by Your continuous bounties You made them reach great heights.
You made them owners of Your lands and You called them towards Your obedience, but they were ungrateful to Your bounties, they denied Your existence, in Your kingdom they bowed down before others (instead of You). What had happened if Your endurance had not given me an opportunity (to repent) although before it (opportunity) You had concealed it in the veils, honoured it with Your recognition gave power to the tongue to offer thanks to You, made a landmark for Your obedience.
You made the way of Your miracles easy for me.
You placed the way of achieving nearness (to you) in front of me. But the compensation of all Your goodness from me was I recompensated evil for goodness due to which You were displeased. Infatuated by such things, Your great Chastisement which I deserve, I comprehend it to be less. Your pleasure which is miles away I am running on that Path, involved in my hopes, totally heedless to the warnings of death, completely unconcerned of Your destruction which I am undergoing.
Although Your promise has already reached me that You expect deeds (good) from my strength and power throughout my life.
Now the situation is such that after committing the greatest of sins I call upon You to increase Your bounties which will not come to me (as I don't deserve it) whereas Your wrath is on me, but I am lazy due to your excessive grace.
Fully satisfied on your abundant sustenance, control on Your bounties inspite of disobedience as if converting good deeds of the people into bad deeds.
I am awaiting Your mercy impatiently.
I am presenting my long hopes in Your presence as if I am satisfied with Your wrath.
Surely we are from Allah and unto Him shall we return. (2:156) This is such a calamity, which is full of sorrow and is liable for a great chastisement.
On the contrary I think that what would have happened if I did not had hopes and if the promise of forgiving my sins were not there.
I am confident of Your forgiveness although I have committed greater sins openly. I hid myself from all Your creatures little realizing about Your presence.
My Lord! How shall I face You? And how shall I beseech You? After accepting the covenant I have done breach of trust.
I have made you my sponsor and security but still showed excessiveness in doing sins. Inspite of all this You called me.
I was dependent on You still I did not answered You. Oh what a calamity and how a shameful display of immoral behaviour. Alas! What a courage that I have deceived myself. But You are Pure and Great. Now I wish to come near You.
And I give You the oath of Your right that I have come to take refuge from Your wrath. Due to my own diobedience I have become liable for Your chastisement.
You have not done injustice on me due to my ignorance I was deceived not because of Your tolerance. I have lost my right.
Your right is intact I have oppressed myself. Now my hopes are on You.
My confidence is on You, my faith is on You and in Your presence I humbly submit my repentance and helplessness thus have mercy on my condition. With complete movement in my faith, and head bowed in shame I present myself.
I am troubled at the grief of my sins. Surely You are the Most Merciful of all the Mercifuls.
O the most attentive listener among those who is called. O the best of the place of wish. O the best of the forgiver among all the other forgivers.
O the One to be near to the one who complaints. I am calling upon You. I complain to you and this complain is of the one who has complained to the world and has lost all hopes. Now You have Grace and Mercy on my weakness.
By Your vast Mercy forgive my Great sins and give me the strength to ponder over my inner self.
Surely you are the Great bestower among all those who bestows. There is no lord other than You. You are Pure and Great and I am a tyrant and disobedient.
O Allah O Unique O Allah O self-dependant. O the One who is neither created by anyone nor begets anyone nor had an equal.
O Lord the journey has tired me. The distant people have pushed me friends have frightened me, and when no hope is left. Yu are the ultimate hope.
When calamities overpower us You are the only supporter.
In difficulties and ease You are the only way to salvation. Thus avert the sorrow from the one whose hopelessness, when ponders on the sins, loses hope of salvation.
O Lord! By Your mercy don't make him disappointed as You are the Most Merciful of all the Mercifuls.

1 comment:

  1. jazak Allah khair.

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    اللّـهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّد وَآلِ مُحَمَّد

    اَللّهُمَّ كُنْ لِوَلِيِّكَ الْحُجَّةِ بْنِ الْحَسَنِ

    صَلَواتُكَ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلى آبائِهِ

    في هذِهِ السّاعَةِ وَفي كُلِّ ساعَةٍ

    وَلِيّاً ‏وَحافِظاً وَقائِداً وَناصِراً وَدَليلاً وَعَيْناً

    حَتّى تُسْكِنَهُ أَرْضَكَ طَوْعاً وَتُمَتِّعَهُ فيها طَويلاً.‏
